

In the world of advertising agencies, awards are now bestowed for the act of creative planning. This from an organization of creative agency planners. Its mission statement below. I am not making this up.

"The Account Planning Group exists to promote and celebrate excellence in creative thinking. We believe that creativity is the key to differentiated, successful brands. The emphasis is on creative, rather than merely disciplined, buttoned down thinking. We argue that if exciting ideas govern a brand and its communication, that brand or business will enjoy greater success. We believe that the planning discipline can be applied to any and all marketing and communication issues and channels. The APG champions new thinking by enabling new publications on the subject of planning, and celebrates the practice of excellent planning in its biennual Creative Planning Awards. The APG is a not-for-profit organisation run for and by its membership."

Disciplined, buttoned down thinking? I usually do mine in a mock turtle neck...

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